Kilkeel HS Technology Projects

Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Technology HoD Cluster

For those who were unable to attend the HoD cluster on the 16th June, here is a synopsis of what took place.

Jim Neale from New Wave Concepts (the people behind PCB WIZ, Livewire, Control Studio) demonstrated the new version of circuit wizard. I cannot explain in words how incredible or powerful this piece of software is. All I can say that in this is now the one stop shop for any electronics design, programming or simulation. For more information go to and watch their website for updates in September.

There was also some very valuable input from both Lismore comprehensive and Clounagh JHS. Lismore gave a very interesting presentation on integrating CAD/CAM into the classroom, by providing working examples and information on CAD/CAM developments. Clounagh JHS provided an interesting session on their website which we have previously featured on this blog. The Clounagh centre would like to take this opportunity to thank both schools for their valuable input on the day.

These sticks are made for walking ...

We all hope it will be a long time before we actually need a walking stick. However for those country rambles, herding cattle or dare I say it 'Anti Burglar device' we all at some time have had a walking stick in our hand. Lismore comprehensive have taken this idea to the classroom where they have had great success in a project which requires the pupils to create a walking stick. The pupils are involved in researching the types of trees and particular branches that have the potential for making a good stick. This involves a field trip which helps them identify the necessary factors required to manufacture the project. Under the guidance and knowledge of Mr Art O'Neill (HoD) the pupils manipulate their raw stick into a finished product. There are a number of processes and cross curricular links involved in this project which can provide numerours learning outcomes for pupils. If you would like to find out more about these works of 'Art' please contact us at the Clounagh Centre or contact Art O'Neill at Lismore.