Kilkeel HS Technology Projects

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

SELB Exhibition 2009

When I mention June it tends to remind us automatically of planes and caravans, but you should really be thinking about Armagh! Yes it will soon be that time again when the Technology community in the SELB wheel out it's finest work for the Technology exhibition, due to take place in the Marketplace Armagh from Friday 12th June to Monday July 20th. Again we would like all schools to participate in this exhibition as a celebration and demonstration of the effort that exists within Technology and Design departments.

Dates announcement.

There are a number of upcoming T&D courses in the second term which you might want to take note of.

Felder refresher Circular saw/bandsaw training will take from the 10th - 13th March and 31st March - 3rd April inclusive. If you have a felder saw in your department you will need to attend one of these training days.

Technology cluster meetings

A number of Technology clusters focusing on KS3 projects will take place from 2-4pm on the following dates. Thurs 19th Feb, Key fobs - an alternative approach. Wed 11th March, mp3 speaker dock. Tue 24th March storage dish.
Letters of invite will be sent out to all schools in the coming weeks.

Top award for local schools

It was a case of 'hats off' for two local schools at a recent prizegiving ceremony at Stormont. Pupils from St Catherine's College Armagh and Newtownhamilton HS were awarded for achieving the highest marks in the UK, GCSE Technology and Design, AQA. The pupils received bursaries, sponsored by Construction skills in Northern Ireland, which were presented to them by David Ford, MLA. We would like to congratulate both schools on this fantastic achievement and wish the pupils the very best of success in their future careers.