Kilkeel HS Technology Projects

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Technology and Design Substitute Teachers

A number of schools have recently been enquiring about substitute teachers for Technology and Design.  If you are aware of any qualified Technology teacher out there who does not have work or is available to sub, could you ask them to direct their details towards any member of the Technology team at Clounagh. Thanks.

U ICT accreditation scheme - level 4?

I recently picked this up from a school in the SELB, not sure if it was a level 4 or above.
Only joking! Just watch.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

HEPA Vacuum cleaners

The Department of Education Circular 2010/23 details that 'Workshops and wood working machinery shall be cleaned using an industrial vacuum cleaner fitted with a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtration system'.  The Department of Education have now approved funding for these cleaners.  It is hoped that these will be distributed to schools in the coming weeks.